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The Best of the Marshall Memo: Book One

Kim Marshall & Jenn David-Lang

The Best of the Marshall Memo: Book One

Specifications: 8 x 10 | 388 pages / eBook / Hardcover / Paperback

About the book design and execution

For years, Kim Marshall and Jenn David-Lang have been "designated readers" for busy front-line educators, curating the best ideas and research from scores of magazines and books. In The Best of the Marshall Memo, they've identified the most thought-provoking and helpful article summaries from the Marshall Memo archive and added professional learning suggestions. The book aims to help principals, teachers, superintendents, consultants, and researchers address the most pressing issues they face every day.

The book features the work of 170 researchers and practitioners, including Elena Aguilar, Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Angela Duckworth, Jennifer Gonzalez, Tom Guskey, Jon Saphier, Pedro Noguera, Carol Dweck and Dylan Wiliam. Their writing come from a wide range of publications, from Phi Delta Kappan to The New York Times.

The book's design features many complex elements—from the way article summaries are presented within the chapters and bibliographic references, to the "Professional Learning Suggestions" sections, which feature charts that can be filled out and graphics. The book also includes a full index.

Fonts used: Adobe Caslon, Palatino, Times

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